آرمينيا سياحت: قديم ترين ملڪ وڌيڪ سياحن کي رڪارڊ ڪري ٿو

آرمينيا جي سياحت وڌي ٿي
پاران لکيل eTN مئنيجنگ ايڊيٽر

The majestic beauty of its towering mountains, beautiful topography, rich heritage and culture, delicious food, historic sites dating back thousands of years, adventures. This is the message ​on armenia.travel.

آرمينيا هڪ قوم آهي، ۽ اڳوڻي سوويت جمهوريت، ايشيا ۽ يورپ جي وچ ۾ جبلن واري قفقاز واري علائقي ۾. ابتدائي عيسائي تمدنن ۾، ان جي وضاحت مذهبي ماڳن پاران ڪئي وئي آهي جنهن ۾ گرني جو گريڪو-رومن مندر ۽ چوٿين صديءَ جو ايچميادزين ڪيٿڊرل، آرمينيائي چرچ جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر آهي. Khor Virap Monastery ماؤنٹ ارارات جي ويجهو هڪ زيارتي ماڳ آهي، جيڪو ترڪي جي سرحد جي ڀرسان هڪ غير فعال آتش فشان آهي.

Armenia has an ancient history and rich culture. In fact, it is one of the oldest countries in the world. Scientific research, numerous archaeological findings and old manuscripts prove that the Armenian Highlands are the very Cradle of Civilization.

Some of the world’s oldest things were found in Armenia. The world’s oldest leather shoe (5,500 years old), sky observatory (7,500 years old), depictions of agriculture (7,500 years old) and wine-making facility (6,100 years old) all were found in the territory of Armenia.

The number of tourists who visited Armenia in the first half of 2019 grew by nearly 12,3%. The Armenian Minister of Economy Tigran Khachatryan announced this at a recent news conference.

Visits from foreign journalists and bloggers are an important tool Armenia Tourism Marketing has been using.

17 reporters from the Association of Journalists of Switzerland arrived in Armenia on introductory visits, and as a result, more than 30 articles about Armenia were published.

Armenia counted 12.3% more visitors this year compared to arrivals counted for the same time length last year A total of  770,000 tourists visited Armenia.

Armenia values Chinese tourism as an important factor. The introduction of Union Pay in Armenia, a Chinese credit card is seen as an important factor that will attract visitors from China.  Minister Khachatryan mentioned the Armenian-Chinese joint conference on commercial-economic matters.

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • 17 reporters from the Association of Journalists of Switzerland arrived in Armenia on introductory visits, and as a result, more than 30 articles about Armenia were published.
  • The introduction of Union Pay in Armenia, a Chinese credit card is seen as an important factor that will attract visitors from China.
  • In fact, it is one of the oldest countries in the world.


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eTN مئنيجنگ ايڊيٽر

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