ڪيئن 193 ملڪ قرنطين کان سواءِ سفر ۽ سياحت کي بحال ڪرڻ تي راضي ٿي سگهن ٿا؟

نه UNWTO, پر اهو بين الاقوامي سول ايويائيشن آرگنائيزيشن (ICAO) may be setting the new trend to relaunch the travel and tourism industry in setting recommendation for airlines to operate.

ICAO guidelines are typically adopted by its 193-member countries.
Most airlines in the world are desperate to rebuild travel and tourism. Leaders in the aviaton industry are looking for guidance on how to relaunch their businesses and allow the traveling public to fly safelt. ICAO may take a lead together with a special United Nations initiative.

According to a report released by Reuters today  airlines and airports will ask an UN-led task force meeting on Tuesday to recommend countries accept a negative COVID-19 test within 48 hours of travel as an alternative to quarantines. If adopted, this may be the new normal for some time to come.  It may also be the key to restart tourism worldwide

The proposal calls for the use of PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) tests conducted outside of airports. While task force recommendations are voluntary, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) guidelines are typically adopted by its 193-member countries.

It remains to be seen if health authorities around the globe would be allowed to adopt such a ICAO recommendation. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 national and also regional jurisdictions had not been well coordinated . It has been specifically been a deadly  mistake in the United States of America.


ليکڪ بابت

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz مسلسل سفر ۽ سياحت جي صنعت ۾ ڪم ڪيو آهي جڏهن کان هو جرمني ۾ هڪ نوجوان هو (1977).
هن قائم ڪيو eTurboNews 1999 ۾ عالمي سفري سياحت واري صنعت لاءِ پهريون آن لائن نيوز ليٽر.

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