هوائي جهاز هليو ويو!

الاسڪا هوائي
هوائي ايئر لائنز هاڻي الاسڪا ايئر لائنز آهي
پاران لکيل Juergen T Steinmetz

هوائي ۾ سياحت ڪڏهن به ساڳي نه ٿي سگهي ٿي جڏهن هوائي گهر شهر ايئر لائن الاسڪا ايئر لائن بڻجي ٿي. ڇا هي هوائي اڏي جي صنعت جو خاتمو آهي؟

”HA“ Gone جو مطلب ڇا ٿيندو هوائي سياحت، الاسڪا ايئر لائنز، سائوٿ ويسٽ ايئر لائنز ۽ دي Aloha روح

الاسڪا ايئر طرفان هوائي ايئر لائنز جو حصول هوائي جهازن جي صنعت ۾ هڪ اهم سنگ ميل آهي.

جنت ڏانهن پرواز ڪرڻ بابت ڇا؟

هن ڊيل سان، الاسڪا ايئر جو مقصد آهي ته پنهنجي پهچ کي وڌائڻ ۽ منافعي واري هوائي مارڪيٽ ۾ هڪ مضبوط موجودگي قائم ڪرڻ، هوائي کي نئين وڏي ملڪي ۽ بين الاقوامي مارڪيٽن سان ڳنڍڻ.

هي اسٽريٽجڪ اقدام الاسڪا ايئر کي اجازت ڏيندو ته هو هوائي ۾ وڌندڙ سياحت واري صنعت ۾ ٽيپ ڪري، تفريحي ۽ ڪاروباري مسافرن ٻنهي کي راغب ڪري.

حصول جي اميد ڪئي وئي آهي ته هم آهنگي ۽ عملياتي ڪارڪردگي آڻيندي، ٻنهي ايئر لائنز ۽ انهن جي گراهڪن کي فائدو ڏئي.

گڏو گڏ، الاسڪا ايئر ۽ هوائي ايئر لائنز پئسفڪ علائقي ۾ هڪ مضبوط قوت پيدا ڪندي، بهتر رابطي ۽ سفر جي اختيارن جي وسيع رينج پيش ڪندي.

الاسڪا ايئر لائنز ادا ڪندي $18.00 في هوائي ايئر لائن شيئر، اها هڪ ايئر لائن لاءِ 1.9 بلين ڊالر وڪرو ڪندي جنهن کي ڪيترن ئي چيو آهي Aloha، ۽ هوائي جي جادو جي نمائندگي ڪري ٿو، ان جي ثقافت، ۽ مهمان نوازي.

ڇا هوا ۾ جادو سڀ ڪجهه آهستي آهستي هڪ ٻي وڏي ايئر لائن ضم ٿي ويندو؟

الاسڪا ايئر لائنز هڪ $ 1.9 بلين ڊالر ۾ هوائي ايئر لائنز حاصل ڪندي، ڪمپنيون اڄ اعلان ڪيو.

هوائي ايئر لائنز ۽ الاسڪا ايئر لائنز بورڊ هن ڊيل جي منظوري ڏني. هاڻي اهو آهي ريگيوليٽري منظورين تي.

اهو معاملو 2024 جي پهرين چوٿين ۾ بند ٿيڻ جي اميد آهي، پر اهو هڪ سال تائين وٺي ويندو هن ضمير جي سڀني حصن کي ترتيب ڏيڻ لاء. گڏيل تنظيم سيٽل ۾ ٻڌل هوندي.

الاسکا ايئر لائنز جي سي اي او

CEO Ben Minicucci، الاسڪا ايئر لائنز جو CEO هن نئين ضم ٿيل ايئر لائن جو انچارج هوندو.

هو پنهنجي LinkedIn تي وضاحت ڪري ٿو

الاسڪا ايئر لائنز تي، اسان جو مقصد هڪ ايئر لائن ٺاهي رهيو آهي جيڪي ماڻهو پيار ڪندا آهن. مون لاءِ ذاتي طور تي، مان ايمانداري سان چئي سگهان ٿو ته مان هن ايئر لائن کي پسند ڪريان ٿو ان لاءِ ته اهو ڇا لاءِ بيٺو آهي، اسان ڇا ڪريون ٿا، ۽ ڪيئن ڪريون ٿا. اسان وٽ ماڻھن جو ھڪڙو عجيب گروپ آھي جيڪي اسان جي قدرن کي ھر روز گذاريندا آھن ۽ اسان جي ڪمپني کي ٻين ڪيترن ئي کان ڌار ڪندا آھن.

الاسڪا ايئر لائنز + هوائي ايئر لائنز: مقامي سنڀال، گلوبل ريچ. اسان جون ٻه ايئر لائنون ناقابل اعتماد ملازمن پاران طاقتور آهن، 90+ سالن جي ورثي ۽ قدرن سان گڏ انهن خاص جڳهن ۽ ماڻهن جي سنڀال ڪرڻ جي بنياد تي جيڪي اسان خدمت ڪندا آهيون. هي اسان جي سفر ۾ هڪ دلچسپ ايندڙ قدم آهي سفر جي تجربي کي بلند ڪرڻ ۽ مهمانن لاءِ اختيارن کي وڌائڻ لاءِ.

الاسکا ايئر لائنز ۽ هوائي ايئر لائنز هڪ تصوير آهي

ٻئي الاسڪا ايئر لائنز، پر ان کان وڌيڪ هوائي ايئر لائنز انهن جي رستن تي بهتر ڪيل ڪيبن سروس لاء سڃاتل آهن، پر خاص هوائي مهمان نوازي الاسڪا جي انداز ۾ ڪرڻ ڏکيو ٿيندو.

”اسان وٽ هوائي ايئر لائنز لاءِ هڪ ڊگهو ۽ گهرو احترام آهي ، انهن جي هوائي جهاز ۾ هڪ اعليٰ آجر جي حيثيت سان ، ۽ ڪيئن انهن جو برانڊ ۽ ماڻهو هن جي گرم ثقافت کي کڻندا آهن. aloha دنيا جي چوڌاري."، Minicucci چيو.

پيٽر انگرام، هوائي ايئر لائنز جي صدر، ۽ سي اي او، جواب ڏنو: "1929 کان وٺي، هوائي ايئر لائنز هوائي ۾ زندگي جو هڪ لازمي حصو بڻجي چڪو آهي، ۽ الاسڪا ايئر لائنز سان گڏ اسان پنهنجي مهمانن، ملازمن ۽ برادرين لاء وڌيڪ پهچائڻ جي قابل ٿي سگهنداسين. جنهن جي خدمت ڪريون ٿا.

هوائي ايئر لائنز جي پراڻي هڪ هٽي

هوائي ايئر لائنز جي وچ ۾ بين الاقوامي مارڪيٽ تي لڳ ڀڳ هڪ هٽي هئي Aloha رياست، جڏهن Aloha ايئر لائنز ڪاروبار کان ٻاهر ٿي وئي.

هوائي، ٻيٽ ايئر بند ٿي ويو 2017 اهو 37 سالن تائين ڪاروبار ۽ سياحن جي صنعت ۾ هڪ موقف هو. 13٪ Interisland ايئر لائن ٽرئفڪ جو ڪوڊ شيئر سان ۽ گڏيل ايئر لائنز تي بار بار فلائر پروگرام جي معاهدي سان.

Hawaiian ايئر لائنز هميشه Hawaii هوائي جهاز جي ڪمري ۾ حقيقي هاٿي رهي آهي. انهن وٽ اڳ ۾ ئي 80 سيڪڙو کان وڌيڪ حصو هو 2017 ۾ سڀني بين الاقوامي پروازن جو جڏهن آئلينڊ ايئر ڪم ڪري رهيو هو.

Hawaiian ايئر لائنز کان پوء بچيو Aloha ايئر لائنز سال اڳ ۽ وڌندي رهي، ٽڪيٽن جي قيمتن کي وڌائيندي رهي، ۽ ڪيترن ئي اندروني ماڻهن جو خيال آهي ته مشهور سپرفري کي مارڪيٽ کان ٻاهر صرف هوائي ٻيٽ جي وچ ۾ واحد فيري سروس جي طور تي ڌڪڻ ۾ مدد ڪئي، اها هوائي انٽيلينڊ ايئر مارڪيٽ ۾ هڪ هٽي بڻجي وئي.

جڏهن Aloha ايئر لائنز بعد ۾ آئيلينڊ ايئر ۽ سپرفري هليا ويا ان جو مطلب هو هوائي ايئر لائنز لاءِ وڏو فائدو ، COVID هٽ ٿيڻ تائين وڌيڪ هوائي اڏا ، ۽ ٻيٽن کي هڪ رياست طور گڏ رکڻ لاءِ سياحن ۽ ڪمائنا لاءِ گهٽ چونڊون.

ڏکڻ ويسٽ ايئر لائنز هوائي ۾ داخل ٿي

2019 ۾ اها اجارداري تباهه ٿي وئي جڏهن جنوب مغربي ايئر لائنز مارڪيٽ ۾ داخل ٿيو مسافرن لاءِ هڪ نئون آپشن. سائوٿ ويسٽ ايئر لائنز جارحيت سان سفر کي وڌايو ڪيترن ئي متبادل يو ايس مين لينڊ مارڪيٽن لاءِ Hawaii ۽ Interisland.

هوائي ايئر لائنز الاسڪا ايئر لائنز جي ضمير سان، هوائي هڪ وڏي گهر ايئر لائن نه هوندي، جيتوڻيڪ الاسڪا ايئر لائنز چيو هو ته هونولولو ۾ هڪ اهم مرڪز هوندو.

ڊسمبر ۾ شروع ٿيندڙ، الاسڪا ايئر لائنز آمريڪا، ڪئناڊا، ميڪسيڪو، بيلز ۽ ڪوسٽا ريڪا ۾ 120 کان وڌيڪ هنڌن تي ٽرانسپورٽ فراهم ڪندي، ۽ ايندڙ رستن کي بهاماس ۽ گوئٽي مالا ڏانهن.

هوائي ايئر لائنز، 96 سالن کان ڪاروبار ۾، رياست ۾ سڀ کان وڏي ايئر لائن جو عنوان رکي ٿو، تقريبن 150 روزاني پروازون هوائي ٻيٽن جي وچ ۾ پيش ڪري ٿي. اضافي طور تي، هي هوائي جهازن کي 15 وڏن آمريڪي شهرن سان ڳنڍڻ لاء نان اسٽاپ پروازون مهيا ڪري ٿو، انهي سان گڏ آمريڪي ساموا، آسٽريليا، ڪڪ ٻيٽ، جاپان، نيوزي لينڊ، ڏکڻ ڪوريا، ۽ تاهٽي جي خدمت ڪري ٿو.

الاسڪا ايئر لائنز ۽ هوائي ايئر لائنز پاران سرڪاري گڏيل بيان ۽ پريس ريليز:

SEATTLE and HONOLULU – Alaska Air Group, Inc. (NYSE: ALK), and Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: HA) today announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Alaska Airlines will acquire Hawaiian Airlines for $18.00 per share in cash, for a transaction value of approximately $1.9 billion, inclusive of $0.9 billion of Hawaiian Airlines net debt. The combined company will unlock more destinations for consumers and expand choice of critical air service options and access throughout the Pacific region, Continental United States and globally. The transaction is expected to enable a stronger platform for growth and competition in the U.S., as well as long-term job opportunities for employees, continued investment in local communities and environmental stewardship.

As airlines rooted in the 49th ۽ 50th U.S. states, which are uniquely reliant upon air travel, Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines share a deep commitment to caring for their employees, guests and communities. This combination will build on the 90+ year legacies and cultures of these two service-oriented airlines, preserve both beloved brands on a single operating platform, and protect and grow union-represented jobs and economic development opportunities in Hawai‘i, with a combined network that will provide more options and added international connectivity for travelers through airline partners including, the هڪworld Alliance.

“This combination is an exciting next step in our collective journey to provide a better travel experience for our guests and expand options for West Coast and Hawai‘i travelers,” said Ben Minicucci, Alaska Airlines CEO. “We have a longstanding and deep respect for Hawaiian Airlines, for their role as a top employer in Hawai‘i, and for how their brand and people carry the warm culture of aloha around the globe. Our two airlines are powered by incredible employees, with 90+ year legacies and values grounded in caring for the special places and people that we serve. I am grateful to the more than 23,000 Alaska Airlines employees who are proud to have served Hawai‘i for over 16 years, and we are fully committed to investing in the communities of Hawai‘i and maintaining robust Neighbor Island service that Hawaiian Airlines travelers have come to expect. We look forward to deepening this stewardship as our airlines come together, while providing unmatched value to customers, employees, communities and owners.”

“Since 1929, Hawaiian Airlines has been an integral part of life in Hawai‘i, and together with Alaska Airlines we will be able to deliver more for our guests, employees and the communities that we serve,” said Peter Ingram, Hawaiian Airlines President and CEO. “In Alaska Airlines, we are joining an airline that has long served Hawai‘i, and has a complementary network and a shared culture of service. With the additional scale and resources that this transaction with Alaska Airlines brings, we will be able to accelerate investments in our guest experience and technology, while maintaining the Hawaiian Airlines brand. We are also pleased to deliver significant, immediate and compelling value to our shareholders through this all-cash transaction. Together, Hawaiian Airlines and Alaska Airlines can bring our authentic brands of hospitality to more of the world while continuing to serve our valued local communities.”

Complementary Networks and Greater Choice for Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines’ Combined 54.7 million Annual Passengers

The combination of complementary domestic, international, and cargo networks is positioned to enhance competition and expand choice for consumers on the West Coast and throughout the Hawaiian Islands through:

  • Preserving outstanding brands: The combined airline will maintain both industry-leading Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines brands while integrating into a single operating platform, enabling the remarkable service and hospitality of each to be enjoyed by passengers with continued excellence in operational reliability, trust and guest satisfaction for which both companies have been consistently recognized.
  • An enhanced product offering for a wide range of consumers: The combination preserves and expands high-quality, best-in-class product offerings with price points to make air travel accessible to a wide range of consumers across a range of cabin classes, including greater choice between Alaska Airlines’ high-value, low-fare options and Hawaiian Airlines’ international and long-haul product on par with network carriers.
  • Complementary networks expand travel options: Passengers traveling throughout the Continental U.S., U.S. West Coast and across the Pacific will benefit from more choice and increased connectivity across both airlines’ networks, with service to 138 destinations including non-stop service to 29 top international destinations in the Americas, Asia, Australia and the South Pacific, and combined access to over 1,200 destinations through the هڪworld Alliance.
  • Expanded service for Hawai‘i: For Hawai‘i residents, the combination will expand service and convenience by tripling the number of destinations throughout North America that can be reached nonstop or one stop from the Islands, while maintaining robust Neighbor Island service and increasing air cargo capacity.
  • Strategic Honolulu hub: Honolulu will become a key Alaska Airlines hub, enabling greater international connectivity for West Coast travelers throughout the Asia-Pacific region with one-stop service through Hawai‘i.
  • Increased loyalty program benefits: The transaction will connect Hawaiian Airlines’ loyalty members with enhanced benefits through an industry-leading loyalty program for the combined airline, including the ability to earn and redeem miles on 29 global partners and receive elite benefits on the full complement of هڪworld Alliance airlines, expanded global lounge access and benefits of the combined program’s co-brand credit card.

Delivering Substantial Benefits for Employees and Communities in Hawai‘i

As one of Hawai‘i’s largest employers, Hawaiian Airlines has a long legacy of commitment to its employees, who shaped the company over its 94-year history, and to local communities, culture, and the natural environment. As an integrated company, Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines will continue this stewardship and maintain a strong presence and investment in Hawai‘i. The combined company will drive:

  • Growth in union-represented jobs: Maintain and grow union-represented jobs in Hawai‘i, including preserving pilot, flight attendant, and maintenance bases in Honolulu and airport operations and cargo throughout the state.
  • Strong operational presence: Maintain a strong operations presence with local leadership and a regional headquarters in Hawai‘i to support the combined airlines’ network.
  • Opportunities for employees: Provide more opportunities for career advancement, competitive pay and benefits, and geographic mobility for employees.
  • Expansion of workforce development initiatives: Continue and expand access to workforce development initiatives, including Hawaiian Airlines’ partnership with the Honolulu Community College Aeronautics Maintenance Technology Program and Alaska Airlines’ Ascend Pilot Academy among others, to support future jobs and career opportunities in Hawai‘i and beyond.
  • Investment in local communities: Continue to invest in Hawai‘i communities, combining and expanding the two airlines’ commitments, and work with local communities and government to build a vibrant future for Hawai‘i.
  • Perpetuation of culture: Committed to promoting regenerative tourism in the Hawaiian Islands and investing in Hawaiian language and culture, continuing and building upon Hawaiian Airlines’ existing programs.

Becoming an Even More Sustainable Combined Airline

Alaska Airlines is committed to building upon both Alaska Airlines’ and Hawaiian Airlines’ strong commitments to environmental stewardship, including Alaska Airlines’ five-part path to net zero by 2040 and sustainability goals in areas of carbon emissions and fuel efficiency, waste, and healthy ecosystems. In 2022, Alaska Airlines made its largest Boeing fleet order in its 90-year history, focused on the Boeing 737-MAX aircraft, which are 25% more fuel-efficient on a seat-by-seat basis than the aircraft they replace, and continued to expand use of route optimization software to help dispatchers develop routes that save fuel, time, and emissions. Both airlines are actively working to advance the market for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in their respective geographies. These climate-focused efforts will continue, including continued investment in local sourcing.  

Compelling Strategic and Financial Rationale, Generating Outsized Value Creation

The combination fits strategically with Alaska Airlines’ sustained focus on expanding options for West Coast travelers and creates an important new platform to further enhance Alaska Airlines’ above industry-average organic growth. The transaction is designed to deliver attractive value creation for Alaska Airlines’ shareholders while providing a compelling premium for Hawaiian Airlines shareholders.

  • All-cash transaction of $18.00 per share for a total equity value of $1.0 billion provides a compelling premium for Hawaiian Airlines shareholders.
  • Transaction multiple of 0.7 times revenue, approximately one third the average of recent airline transactions.
  • Approximately $235 million of expected run-rate synergies reflect a conservative estimate of the transaction’s synergy potential; these exclude other identified upside opportunities that could be realized.
  • Expected to generate high single digit earnings accretion for Alaska Airlines within the first two years (high-teens three+ years) post-close and mid-teens ROIC by year three, excluding integration costs, with returns above Alaska Airlines’ cost of capital.
  • No anticipated material impact on long-term balance sheet metrics, with return to target leverage levels expected within 24 months.

Conditions to Close

The transaction agreement has been approved by both boards. The acquisition is conditioned on required regulatory approvals, approval by Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. shareholders (which is expected to be sought in the first quarter of 2024), and other customary closing conditions. It is expected to close in 12-18 months. The combined organization will be based in Seattle under the leadership of Alaska Airlines CEO Ben Minicucci. A dedicated leadership team will be established to focus on integration planning.


BofA Securities and PJT Partners are serving as financial advisors and O’Melveny & Myers LLP is serving as legal advisor to Alaska Airlines. Barclays is serving as financial advisor and Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, Professional Corporation is serving as legal advisor to Hawaiian Airlines.

Microsite and Multimedia Assets

Additional information about the transaction is available at a new joint website at localcareglobalreach.com and investor materials can also be found at investor.alaskaair.com ۽ news.alaskaair.com.


Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines executives will discuss the transaction on a conference call. An investor presentation about the transaction will be referenced on the conference call and is being posted on the joint website referenced above.

Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines will be joined by local leaders at a joint press conference in Honolulu today, December 3, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. Hawai‘i Standard time.

الاسکا ايئر لائنز بابت

Alaska Airlines and our regional partners serve more than 120 destinations across the United States, Belize, Canada, Costa Rica and Mexico with new service to the Bahamas and Guatemala beginning in December. We strive to be the most caring airline with award-winning customer service and an industry-leading loyalty program. As a member of the هڪworld Alliance, and with our additional global partners, our guests can travel to more than 1,200 destinations on 29 airlines while earning and redeeming miles on flights to locations around the world. Learn more about Alaska at news.alaskaair.com ۽ پٺيان وڃو @alaskaairnews for news and stories. Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air are subsidiaries of Alaska Air Group.

هوائي ايئر لائنز بابت

Now in its 95th year of continuous service, Hawaiian is Hawaiʻi’s biggest and longest-serving airline. Hawaiian offers approximately 150 daily flights within the Hawaiian Islands, and nonstop flights between Hawaiʻi and 15 U.S. gateway cities – more than any other airline – as well as service connecting Honolulu and American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and Tahiti.

Consumer surveys by Condé Nast Traveler and TripAdvisor have placed Hawaiian among the top of all domestic airlines serving Hawaiʻi. The carrier was named Hawaiʻi’s best employer by Forbes in 2022 and has topped Travel + Leisure’s World’s Best list as the No. 1 U.S. airline for the past two years. Hawaiian has also led all U.S. carriers in on-time performance for 18 consecutive years (2004-2021) as reported by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

ايئر لائن ماڻهن سان ڳنڍڻ لاء پرعزم آهي aloha. As Hawai’i’s hometown airline, Hawaiian encourages guests to Travel Pono and experience the islands safely and respectfully.

Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. is a subsidiary of Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: HA). Additional information is available at HawaiianAirlines.com. Follow Hawaiian’s Twitter updates (@HawaiianAir), become a fan on Facebook (Hawaiian Airlines), and follow us on Instagram (hawaiianairlines). For career postings and updates, follow Hawaiian’s LinkedIn page.


ليکڪ بابت

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz مسلسل سفر ۽ سياحت جي صنعت ۾ ڪم ڪيو آهي جڏهن کان هو جرمني ۾ هڪ نوجوان هو (1977).
هن قائم ڪيو eTurboNews 1999 ۾ عالمي سفري سياحت واري صنعت لاءِ پهريون آن لائن نيوز ليٽر.

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