مينيسوٽا توهان جي منزل ٿيڻ چاهي ٿي قومي موڪلن واري ڏينهن لاءِ

NPVD EVERGREEN لوگو | eTurboNews | eTN
پاران لکيل Juergen T Steinmetz

Explore Minnesota, the state’s tourism promotion office is joining the U.S. Travel Association for National Plan for Vacation Day this Tuesday, Jan. 25, to encourage workers to use their paid time off in 2022. This year’s National Plan for Vacation Day comes at a time when many are feeling extreme levels of burnout yet have resisted taking time off due to health and safety concerns and increased workloads. According to a new study, commissioned by the U.S. Travel Association, American workers left an average of four days (29%) of their paid leave on the table in 2021.

پاران ڪيل مطالعو يو ايس ٽريول ايسوسيئيشن also reports that more than two-thirds (68%) of American workers feel at least moderately burned out and 13% are extremely burned out. Those who plan their paid time off in advance will take more time to travel, but one-quarter (24%) of households don’t take this step and 64% reported that they desperately need a vacation.

“After nearly two years of pandemic fatigue, National Plan for Vacation Day is an opportunity to think ahead to brighter days and Minnesota getaways.

We should all prioritize time away from work to explore somewhere new, and to reconnect with the people and places we care about most,” said Lauren Bennett McGinty, state tourism director, Explore Minnesota. “Minnesota is a fun and affordable four-season destination.

From the Northwest Angle over to the North Shore of Lake Superior to the vibrant Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St. Paul and the bluffs of the Mississippi River Valley, there’s always something new to see and do.”

“The research reflects what so many have known for quite a while—that the stresses of the past year can, at least in part, be lifted by thinking about and planning time away to recharge and experience something new,” said U.S. Travel Association President and CEO Roger Dow. “There are real benefits to getting vacation plans on the calendar at the start of the year, which include the happiness associated with travel and committing to take off all the time that is earned for a well-deserved break.”

As the state’s tourism promotion office, Explore Minnesota works to inspire consumers and facilitate travel to and within Minnesota while pursuing an entrepreneurial approach and leveraging the state’s tourism investment with increased involvement by the private sector. Tourism is a key sector of the state’s economy, historically generating $1.0 billion in state sales tax on $16.6 billion in leisure and hospitality sales and employing nearly 275,000 workers in Minnesota’s leisure and hospitality businesses. Visit exploreminnesota.com, and share your sights with @exploreminn on Twitter, or @exploreminnesota on Instagram and Facebook, using #OnlyinMN.

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • “The research reflects what so many have known for quite a while—that the stresses of the past year can, at least in part, be lifted by thinking about and planning time away to recharge and experience something new,” said U.
  •  “There are real benefits to getting vacation plans on the calendar at the start of the year, which include the happiness associated with travel and committing to take off all the time that is earned for a well-deserved break.
  • As the state’s tourism promotion office, Explore Minnesota works to inspire consumers and facilitate travel to and within Minnesota while pursuing an entrepreneurial approach and leveraging the state’s tourism investment with increased involvement by the private sector.


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Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz مسلسل سفر ۽ سياحت جي صنعت ۾ ڪم ڪيو آهي جڏهن کان هو جرمني ۾ هڪ نوجوان هو (1977).
هن قائم ڪيو eTurboNews 1999 ۾ عالمي سفري سياحت واري صنعت لاءِ پهريون آن لائن نيوز ليٽر.

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