Jamaica Tourist Board Launches Treasure Hunt for Agents

Jamaica Tourist Board Launches Treasure Hunt for Agents
Treasure Hunt for Agents

With lockdown measures and travel restrictions still in place, the Jamaica Tourist Board is continuing to educate travel agents in fun and innovative ways, with the launch of its new IRIE Jamaican Treasure Hunt. Today, the first of five weekly treasure hunts for agents has launched online, giving agents the chance to win a £50 Jamaica Rewards cash card each week.

Each week, the quiz will focus on a different resort area, allowing agents to gain further insight into Jamaica’s regions and what there is to offer in the destination. This week, agents’ knowledge of The Great Houses of Montego Bay will be put to the test as they have to find the hidden treasures around the city. Once agents have completed the treasure hunt, they will be entered into a prize draw and will be in with a chance to win a £50 reward card.

How to take part: Agents can simply click on the link below and click play in order to begin the treasure hunt:


وڌيڪ معلومات لاء مهرباني ڪري ڏسو: http://www.jamaicarewards.co.uk/

جميڪا بابت وڌيڪ خبرون.

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