گھانا سياحت چاهي ٿو ته آمريڪن سٺي لاءِ رهن

پاران لکيل Juergen T Steinmetz

Why not visit Ghana and stay forever? In times of COVID-19, the government of Ghana began intensively lobbying Black Americans to resettle in Africa last year, the country’s tourism minister has stepped up the campaign following the killing of George Floyd. It started in June when US First Lady visited the West African country.

Jamal Osman has the stories of some African Americans who’ve already made the move.

I can breathe in Ghana, says this retired teacher from Louisiana who moved from the U.S. to Ghana.
The government of Ghana began intensively lobbying Black Americans to resettle in Africa last year, and now, in the wake of George Floyd’s death in the US, the country’s tourism minister has stepped up the campaign.

Come home and build a life in Ghana. You don’t have to reside where you’re not welcome, the Ghana Tourism Minister, said referring to the United States.

Going after what you’re for and not what you’re against, a US immigrant said when interviewed by a US Travel Channel.

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • The government of Ghana began intensively lobbying Black Americans to resettle in Africa last year, and now, in the wake of George Floyd’s death in the US, the country’s tourism minister has stepped up the campaign.
  • In times of COVID-19, the government of Ghana began intensively lobbying Black Americans to resettle in Africa last year, the country's tourism minister has stepped up the campaign following the killing of George Floyd.
  • Going after what you’re for and not what you’re against, a US immigrant said when interviewed by a US Travel Channel.

ليکڪ بابت

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz مسلسل سفر ۽ سياحت جي صنعت ۾ ڪم ڪيو آهي جڏهن کان هو جرمني ۾ هڪ نوجوان هو (1977).
هن قائم ڪيو eTurboNews 1999 ۾ عالمي سفري سياحت واري صنعت لاءِ پهريون آن لائن نيوز ليٽر.

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