ڪيريبين ايئر لائنز جميڪا تي ٻڌل آپريشن ٻيهر شروع ڪري ٿي

ڪيريبين ايئر لائنز جميڪا تي ٻڌل آپريشن ٻيهر شروع ڪري ٿي
ڪيريبين ايئر لائنز جميڪا تي ٻڌل آپريشن ٻيهر شروع ڪري ٿي
پاران لکيل هيري جانسن

ڪيريبين ايئر لائنون has re-started commercial operations from its Jamaica hub into the USA and Canada. Daily flights to/from Kingston and New York resumed on July 6, with a further roll out of non-stop services to Toronto and Miami scheduled during the week.

Caribbean Airlines’ Chief Executive Officer, Garvin Medera stated: “The resumption of phased commercial operations out of Jamaica marked a significant day for all stakeholders. Our teams and crews have been preparing for the re-start of our flights, and we have implemented several measures to keep our employees and passengers safe.”

Simultaneously, Caribbean Airlines continues repatriation efforts, providing relief to scores of stranded Caribbean nationals desirous of returning to their home countries.

Also on July 6, over 400 passengers were accommodated on repatriation flights operated between Trinidad, Guyana, Cuba and St Maarten; as well as a special charter for 147 farm-workers headed to Canada from Trinidad.

Among the passengers were medical students, all nationals of Trinidad and Tobago studying in Cuba.

The airline has increased its domestic operations on the air bridge between Trinidad & Tobago; and Cargo operations continue, utilizing both the airline’s Boeing 737 fleet and freighter service.

#بحالي سفر

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • Daily flights to/from Kingston and New York resumed on July 6, with a further roll out of non-stop services to Toronto and Miami scheduled during the week.
  • Our teams and crews have been preparing for the re-start of our flights, and we have implemented several measures to keep our employees and passengers safe.
  • The airline has increased its domestic operations on the air bridge between Trinidad &.

ليکڪ بابت

هيري جانسن

هيري جانسن لاءِ اسائنمينٽ ايڊيٽر رهيو آهي eTurboNews 20 سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصي تائين. هو هونولولو، هوائي ۾ رهي ٿو ۽ اصل ۾ يورپ مان آهي. کيس خبرون لکڻ ۽ ڇپائڻ جو شوق آهي.

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