تشخيصي سامان جي کوٽ سبب COVID ڪيس ٻيهر وڌي رهيا آهن

هڪ هولڊ فري رليز 4 | eTurboNews | eTN
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The pandemic remains a major concern around the world. According to recent data published by Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering, more than 5.6 million people have died from the disease worldwide, including over 872,000 Americans.

As for vaccination statistics, data from the CDC indicates that about 63.5% of the population in the United States is fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Nevertheless, since Thanksgiving, there have been nearly 84,000 confirmed deaths. The Omicron variant, while less lethal than the previous variants, is still highly contagious and is estimated to account for 99.9% of all new cases in the U.S. as of January. 22nd. Yesterday, over 21 million new weekly cases were reported across the globe, the most recorded since the beginning of the pandemic, according to the World Health Organization.

As a result of the high numbers of new cases, testing kits are in short supply. According to Anthony S. Fauci, Chief Medical Adviser to President Biden, it is going to be very important “that we get a greater capability of testing, particularly when the demand for testing is so high, with the combination of the Omicron variant itself, as well as the holiday season, where people want to get that extra level of assuredness that they’re protected, even if you are vaccinated and boosted.”

Todos Medical Ltd. together with its 3CL protease theranostic joint venture partner NLC Pharma Ltd., announced yesterday breaking news regarding, “positive interim data for its Tollovir™ oral antiviral 3CL protease inhibitor Phase 2 clinical trial for the treatment of hospitalized (severe and critical) COVID-19 patients. Tollovir met its primary endpoint of reducing time to clinical improvement as measured by the National Emergency Warning System 2 (NEWS2) and met several key secondary clinical endpoints, including complete reduction in COVID-19 deaths. The Company has now formally closed the Phase 2 clinical trial due to positive interim efficacy data. Lead clinical site Shaare Zedek Medical Center now permits the use of Tollovir™ in hospitalized COVID-19 patients on a compassionate use basis.

Also being prepared is development of Tollovir for the treatment of:

1) hospitalized pediatric COVID-19

2) moderate to severe adult COVID-19 in the outpatient setting

3) moderate to severe pediatric COVID-19 in the outpatient setting

4) the treatment of Long COVID in adults

5) the treatment of Long COVID in the pediatric setting

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • فوچي ، صدر بائيڊن جو چيف ميڊيڪل ايڊوائيزر ، اهو تمام ضروري ٿيڻ وارو آهي “ته اسان کي جانچ جي وڏي صلاحيت حاصل ٿئي ، خاص طور تي جڏهن جانچ جي طلب تمام گهڻي آهي ، اوميڪرون مختلف قسم جي ميلاپ سان گڏ ، گڏوگڏ موڪل جو ڏينهن. موسم، جتي ماڻهو انهي اضافي سطح جي اطمينان حاصل ڪرڻ چاهيندا آهن ته اهي محفوظ آهن، جيتوڻيڪ توهان کي ويڪسين ڪيو ويو آهي ۽ وڌايو ويو آهي.
  • Yesterday, over 21 million new weekly cases were reported across the globe, the most recorded since the beginning of the pandemic, according to the World Health Organization.
  • Tollovir met its primary endpoint of reducing time to clinical improvement as measured by the National Emergency Warning System 2 (NEWS2) and met several key secondary clinical endpoints, including complete reduction in COVID-19 deaths.


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