تنزانيا جي معروف جهنگلي جيوت ۽ فطرت جي تحفظ جي ماهر جو اعزاز

تنزانيا جي معروف جهنگلي جيوت ۽ فطرت جي تحفظ جي ماهر جو اعزاز
Ngorongoro Conservation Area Commissioner Dr. Freddy Manongi

تنزانيا ايسوسيئشن آف ٽور آپريٽرز (TATO) جي ميمبرن ڊاڪٽر منوني کي هڪ غير محفوظ ڪنزرويشن هيرو قرار ڏنو جنهن نگورونگورو ڪنزرويشن ايريا اٿارٽي (NCAA) کي آفريقا ۾ ڪيترن ئي زمينن جي استعمال سان جهنگلي جيوت جي تحفظ واري علائقي جو بهترين مثال بڻجڻ جي هدايت ڪئي.

Recognizing the noble role and personal commitment in conservation of wildlife in Tanzania and Africa, the Tanzania tourism players had recognized the Ngorongoro ڪنزرويشن ايريا Commissioner Dr. Freddy Manongi earlier this month, saying he was a Tanzania’s icon of sustainable conservation.

Members of the Tanzania Association of Tour Operators (TATO) named the Dr. Manongi an unsung conservation hero who had steered Ngorongoro ڪنزرويشن ايريا Authority (NCAA) to become the best example of wildlife conservation area with multiple land use in Africa.

Ngorongoro ڪنزرويشن ايريا is the top attraction among the most attractive sites in Tanzania and the East African region, drawing crowds of tourists every year.  

“Tour operators in تنزانيه see Dr. Manongi as a conservation superman who is accomplished in protecting, expanding and promoting one of the country’s most treasured godsend, TATO Chief Executive Officer Sirili Akko said.

پنهنجي موجوده پوسٽ تي مقرر ٿيڻ کان وٺي، ڊاڪٽر مننگي رياست جي سنڀاليندڙ اٿارٽي کي قابليت، صلاحيتن، لگن ۽ خلوص سان هلائي رهيو آهي، اکو چيو.

Ngorongoro ڪنزرويشن ايريا has been voted the best tourist site for domestic, regional and international tourists, raising Tanzania’s position and image on top among finest tourist destinations in the world.

Dr. Manongi, the highly trained wildlife and nature conservation scientist had also succeeded in developing Geo-tourism inside the conservation area. This new type of tourism sustains and enhances the distinctive geographical sites and their natural environment, heritage and culture into tourism.

The Ngorongoro-Lengai is not only the first Geopark in East Africa, but also the leading site for geo-tourism in Africa south of Sahara. It is the second in Africa after the M’Goun in Morocco.

Ngorongoro-Lengai Geopark 12,000 چورس ڪلوميٽرن جي ايراضيءَ تي پکڙيل آهي پٿر جي ٽڪرين، ڊگھي زير زمين غار، ڍنڍن جا ٽڪرا ۽ هومينيڊ دريافت جي ماڳن تي.

Ngorongoro-Lengai Geopark قديم داتوگا مقبرن تي مشتمل آهي؛ Caldera روٽ ڍڪيندي، ٻين سائيٽن جي وچ ۾، Irkepus Village، Old German House، Hippo Pool ۽ Seneto Springs، Active Oldonyo-Lengai Volcano ۽ Empakai Crater.

ڊاڪٽر منونگيءَ کي پڻ سڃاتل ۽ عزت ڏني وڃي ٿي ان جي ڪوششن لاءِ اهم بنيادي ڍانچي کي بهتر بڻائڻ جي لاءِ مارڪيٽنگ مهم جنهن سياحن جي تعداد ۾ اضافو ڪيو جنهن جي آمدني وڌي وئي، جزوي طور ڪنزرويشن ايريا ۾ رهندڙ مقامي ماسائي برادرين طرفان حصيداري ڪئي وئي.

Ngorongoro ڪنزرويشن ايريا is also the site where the first human being is believed to have originated and actually lived. This is where the entire globe’s population would have liked to trace their ancestral roots to.

It is now the leading world heritage site in Northern تنزانيه, taking various marketing strategies to attract more tourists.

The Conservation Area has also been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, like all other places in the world, but is currently implementing various strategies to mitigate the impacts of the global disease.

In response to the situation, the site’s management has been taking various measures to cope up with the situation the mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism.

The number of tourist arrivals to the NCAA between July and October this year (2021) reached 147,276 visitors, raising new hopes for quick tourism recovery from COVID-19 pandemic impact.

نگورونگورو دورو لاءِ کليل رهيو آهي، پر سياحن ۽ سائيٽ جي عملي ٻنهي جي حفاظت کي يقيني بڻائڻ لاءِ احتياطي اپاءَ ورتا ويا آهن. ڪنزرويشن ايريا ۾ ايندڙ سياحن جو تعداد ان جي پوئين حيثيت برقرار رکڻ لاءِ وڌي رهيو آهي.

NCAA انتظاميا وبائي مرض ۽ انفيڪشن جي روڪٿام جي ميکانيزم بابت آگاهي وڌائي رهي آهي، جنهن جو مقصد سياحن کي علائقي ڏانهن راغب ڪرڻ آهي.

Dubai Tourism Expo, now taking place in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is the other international Tourism exhibition of which NCAA delegates are participating.

NCAA هڪ منفرد عالمي ورثو سائيٽ رهي ٿو جتي مقامي ماڻهو جهنگلي جانورن سان هم آهنگي سان رهن ٿا.

سماجي خدمت جا منصوبا هن وقت تحفظ واري علائقي جي اندر لاڳو ڪيا پيا وڃن ته جيئن اتي جي ماسائي برادرين کي فائدو حاصل ٿئي، ۽ انهن ۾ تعليمي، صحت، پاڻي، جانورن جي توسيع، ۽ آمدني پيدا ڪندڙ پروگرام شامل آهن.

تحفظ ۽ ڪميونٽي جي فائدي جي حصيداري جي اڳواڻي ڪندي، نگورونگورو ڪنزرويشن ايريا اٿارٽي ماسائي عورتن جي مدد ڪئي آهي ته جيئن عورتن جي آمدني پيدا ڪرڻ واري شروعات قائم ڪئي وڃي جيڪا عورتن کي راغب ڪرڻ ۽ ترقياتي سرگرمين ۾ چالو ڪرڻ جو مقصد آهي.

NCAA had completed major constructions and renovations of some of its Crater’s infrastructures to accommodate more tourists, who are expected to visit the area this year.

The 4.2-kilometer-long road connecting Seneto to the Ngorongoro Crater has been constructed with non-bitumen, but hard stone materials used in paving the road as to protect the environment within the Conservation Area.

NCAA management had set out strategies to build capacity of its staff through training as to equip them with knowledge and skills in hospitality to serve tourists, investors and other clients or customers within the Conservation Area.

Under its community outreach support through “Good neighborliness” prfogram, NCAA had established Beekeeping project then provided 150 beehives, honey containers, protective gear and marketing of products associated with beekeeping to local communities in Karatu District.

Outreach projects are directed to strengthen communities’ income.

نگورونگورو ڪنزرويشن ايريا هڪ منفرد عالمي ورثو سائيٽ آهي جتي مقامي ماڻهو جهنگلي جانورن سان هم آهنگي سان رهن ٿا.

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • In response to the situation, the site's management has been taking various measures to cope up with the situation the mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism.
  • منونگي پڻ مشهور ۽ معزز آهي هن جي ڪوششن لاءِ اهم بنيادي ڍانچي کي بهتر بڻائڻ جي لاءِ هڪ مارڪيٽنگ مهم جنهن سياحن جي تعداد ۾ اضافو ڪيو جنهن جي آمدني وڌي وئي، جزوي طور تي تحفظ واري علائقي ۾ رهندڙ مقامي ماسائي برادرين طرفان حصيداري ڪئي وئي.
  • The Conservation Area has also been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, like all other places in the world, but is currently implementing various strategies to mitigate the impacts of the global disease.


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Apolinari Tairo - eTN تنزانيا

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