Jetwing Vil Uyana ماحوليات جو عالمي ڏينهن ملهايو

پاران لکيل ليندا هون هولز

On World Environment Day, Jetwing Vil Uyana organized a competition for Kimbissa Junior, Digampathaha Junior & Udawelayayagama Junior High.

To celebrate World Environment Day, Jetwing Vil Uyana organized a competition for Kimbissa Junior School, Digampathaha Junior School and Udawelayayagama Junior High School. The competition was based on themes surrounding current environmental issues and was categorized into Art, Poetry and Speech. A total of 137 children participated in the competition. The awards ceremony was held recently amidst the presence of Mr. Hiran Cooray, Chairman, Jetwing Hotels and many other dignitaries.

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Hiran Cooray, Chairman, Jetwing Hotels commenting on this special occasion “We are dependent on the environment for everything, so it is our responsibility to make every effort to protect planet earth. Interactive competitions of this nature encourage the youth to step outdoors and appreciate nature’s beauty and importance. We believe bringing out the natural creativity embedded in these children helps generate new concepts and ideas for preserving the environment. Through them their families would also understand the importance of being responsible so that our footprint as a community is positive. Sustainable tourism has been close to our hearts for over 45 years and apart from being responsible in our own activities we always want to guide the community towards conserving nature.”

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خاندان جي ملڪيت ۽ سياحت جي صنعت ۾ گذريل 45 سالن کان، Jetwing ھوٽل هر پاسو تي توقع کان وڌي چڪو آھي. پرجوش هجڻ جي بنياد تي تعمير ڪرڻ، انهي سان گڏ حقيقي، روايتي سري لنڪا جي مهمان نوازي جو تجربو، مسلسل دريافت ڪيل دريافتون برانڊ جي جوهر تي قبضو ڪن ٿا. اهڙي مضبوط بيان ۽ هدايت Jetwing هوٽلن کي تصور ڪرڻ، ٺاهڻ ۽ منظم ڪرڻ جي قابل بڻائي ڇڏيو آهي شاندار ۽ شاهڪار، جتي مخصوص ڊيزائن ۽ خوبصورت آرام هڪ ٻئي ۽ ماحول کي پورو ڪن ٿا. Jetwing Hotels Sustainable Strategy جي مطابق، سڀني ملڪيتن ۾ پائيدار ۽ ذميوار عملن کي ترجيح ڏني ويندي آھي وسيلن جي ڪارڪردگي، ڪميونٽي جي ترقي ۽ تعليم، ۽ شعور کي اسان جي ڪجھ اهم علائقن مان آھي.

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • Hiran Cooray, Chairman, Jetwing Hotels commenting on this special occasion “We are dependent on the environment for everything, so it is our responsibility to make every effort to protect planet earth.
  • اهڙي مضبوط بيان ۽ هدايت Jetwing هوٽلن کي تصور ڪرڻ، ٺاهڻ ۽ منظم ڪرڻ جي قابل بڻائي ڇڏيو آهي شاندار ۽ شاهڪار، جتي مخصوص ڊيزائن ۽ خوبصورت آرام هڪ ٻئي ۽ ماحول کي پورو ڪن ٿا.
  • Building on their foundation of being passionate, as well as the experience of true, traditional Sri Lankan hospitality, constantly pioneering discoveries captures the essence of the brand.


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