ملڪي، علائقائي سياحت آفريڪا جي پوسٽ COVID-19 بحالي ۾ اهم آهي

مسٽر نجيب بالا | eTurboNews | eTN
mr najib balala

Setting the agenda for the development of tourism in Africa, domestic and regional tourism is the best strategy that would make Africa a single destination, taking into account the rich tourist attractions within the continent.

Kenyan Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife, the Hon. Najib Balala said late last week that domestic and regional tourism was the key and best approach that would bring African tourism to immediate recovery from Covid-19 pandemic effects.

Speaking during the tourism and hospitality industry stakeholders webinar in Kenya, Balala said that the development of domestic and regional tourism in Africa will layout the ground-work for the sector’s recovery. He singled out domestic and regional tourism as key to Africa’s future in tourism development.

“The international market will take a while to recover and we should, therefore, bank on the domestic and regional travelers. However, affordability and accessibility will play a vital role in this”, he noted.

Mr. Balala’s sentiments were supported by Damian Cook, Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of  E-Tourism Frontiers, and a leading international tourism consultant. “We need to take stock of Kenyan products, see what is going to work during recovery, and capitalize on them”, Cook said.

The webinar, under the banner “Leap Forward”, had brought together over 500 stakeholders to listen and interact with six local and international tourism experts who made compelling presentations on the way forward for Kenyan tourism.

Key panelists and tourism experts other than Damian Cook were Chad Shiver, Destination Marketing Head for Africa and Trip Advisor, and Alexandra Blanchard the Destination Sales Manager for EMEA and Trip Advisor.

ٻيا ماهر هئا نينان چاڪو، سينيئر صلاحڪار، ميڪنزي ۽ ڪمپني، هوگو ايسپريٽو سانتوس، پارٽنر، ميڪنسي ۽ ڪمپني، ڪريم وسانجي، باني ۽ چيف ايگزيڪيوٽو آفيسر (سي اي او)، ايلوانا گروپ، ميگي ايريري، سي اي او، ٽيفا ريسرچ لميٽيڊ ۽ جواني موانگي. -يلبرٽ، چيف ايگزيڪيوٽو آفيسر، پي ايم ايس گروپ.

Data presented by TripAdvisor’s Destination Marketing Head for Africa indicated that in terms of recovery, Africa leads in the number of respondents of which 97 percent were ready to take short domestic trips within six months of the end of Covid-19.

ڊيٽا پڻ اشارو ڪيو آهي ته اڪثر مسافر روڊ جي سفر ۽ ساحل جي تجربن جي ڳولا ڪري رهيا هئا، ڇاڪاڻ ته بورڊنگ جهازن بابت خدشات ۽ ترتيب ڏيڻ جي ضرورت آهي، ترتيب سان، پوسٽ-COVID-19.

ھن ڊيٽا مسٽر بالاالا جي گھربل ۽ علائقائي سياحت تي ڌيان ڏيڻ جي مطالبي جي وڌيڪ حمايت ڪئي. McKinsey جي نينان چاڪو، ڪينيا جي سياحت جي ٻيهر تخيل ۽ سڌارن لاءِ زور ڀريو ته جيئن هڪ وڌيڪ متنوع سياحتي پيداوار هجي جيڪا مسافرن لاءِ اختيار ۽ وڌيڪ قدر پيش ڪري ٿي.

هن ٽورازم آسٽريليا جو مثال ڏنو ۽ چيو ته ملڪي ۽ علائقائي سياحت تي ڌيان ڏيڻ سان، ڪينيا پنهنجي قومي ايئر لائن جي نيٽ ورڪ ۽ لچڪ ۽ ان جي ترقي يافته سياحتي بنيادي ڍانچي جي ڪري اوڀر آفريڪا جي سياحت جي مرڪز جي حيثيت سان پاڻ کي پوزيشن ڏئي سگهي ٿو.

Kenya Airways is the leading carrier in East and Central Africa with connections to key cities in the whole of Africa. It connects mostly West Africa, Central Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean tourist Islands of Zanzibar and  Seychelles.

Hugo Espirito-Santos, of McKinsey, further noted that one of the ways to re-imagine and reform the tourism product would be by focusing on experiential tourism in which tourists could be offered a better experience by reducing density in tourism sites such as the Maasai Mara and laying out strategies that take into consideration geography, consumer segments and culture and food experiences.

Damian Cook of E-Tourism Frontiers, gave an elaborate strategy centered on react, rethink and recovery to get the sector back on its feet and called for all players to develop a new paradigm for their businesses noting that the post-COVID -19 world will bring changes on the scale of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack in the United States.

هن چيو ته ٻه طرفي سياحت جا معاهدا ۽ ملڪن لاءِ Covid-19 مفت سرٽيفڪيشن شامل هوندا.

Maggie Ireri, of TIFA Research Limited, took participants through the results of an online poll which gave them an indication of the tourism stakeholders’ pain-points.

دردناڪ نقطا جيڪي اڳ ۾ هن شعبي پاران وزير جي ڌيان ۾ آڻيا ويا هئا ۽ هن پهريان ئي انهن کي ڪينيا جي قومي خزاني ۾ غور لاءِ پيش ڪيو هو.

Mr.  Balala laid out the six-point agenda that his Ministry is pursuing the sector, which employs over 1.6 million Kenyans and represents 20 percent of the country’s (Kenya) Gross Domestic Product.

پين پوائنٽ ايجنڊا تي بحث لاءِ وزير کي پيش ڪيو ويو، سياحت جي بحالي واري فنڊ جي قيام، ٽيڪس کي ملتوي ڪرڻ ۽ ان پٽ خرچن ۽ فيسن ۾ گهٽتائي، سياحت جي شعبي جي سيڙپڪارن لاءِ مراعتون، بهتر ڊوميسٽڪ ٽورازم مارڪيٽنگ بجيٽ، بهتر سهڪار ۽ هوائي جهازن جي شعبي سان ڪوآرڊينيشن. ۽ تحفظ ۽ جهنگلي جيوت ۾ بنيادي حيثيت ۽ سيڙپڪاري کي ريڙهه جي طور تي.

“My key points as I close this webinar are that we have to restart and reset the tourism industry from a new slate going forward. We need to utilize the ever-evolving digital world, step up conservation and re-invigorate wildlife product, advocate for legislation, and re-look at the aviation and travel sector.” Mr. Balala said.

سيڪريٽري بلالا جو ميمبر آهي افريقي سياحت بورڊ Project Hope Task Force and the global تعمير ڪرڻ. سفر شروعات.

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • Damian Cook of E-Tourism Frontiers, gave an elaborate strategy centered on react, rethink and recovery to get the sector back on its feet and called for all players to develop a new paradigm for their businesses noting that the post-COVID -19 world will bring changes on the scale of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack in the United States.
  • Hugo Espirito-Santos, of McKinsey, further noted that one of the ways to re-imagine and reform the tourism product would be by focusing on experiential tourism in which tourists could be offered a better experience by reducing density in tourism sites such as the Maasai Mara and laying out strategies that take into consideration geography, consumer segments and culture and food experiences.
  • هن ٽورازم آسٽريليا جو مثال ڏنو ۽ چيو ته ملڪي ۽ علائقائي سياحت تي ڌيان ڏيڻ سان، ڪينيا پنهنجي قومي ايئر لائن جي نيٽ ورڪ ۽ لچڪ ۽ ان جي ترقي يافته سياحتي بنيادي ڍانچي جي ڪري اوڀر آفريڪا جي سياحت جي مرڪز جي حيثيت سان پاڻ کي پوزيشن ڏئي سگهي ٿو.


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Apolinari Tairo - eTN تنزانيا

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