برانڊ USA گڏيل قومن جي بين الاقوامي سفر لاء منصوبا

يو ايس ٽريول ڪميونٽي برانڊ يو ايس اي جي ٻيهر اجازت ڏيڻ جي ساراهه ڪري ٿي
برانڊ آمريڪا
پاران لکيل Juergen T Steinmetz

Brand USA today invited to a webinar to give a State of International Travel and Tourism.
Listen to tourism leaders like Isabell Hill to share the new normal in relaunching American Travel

  1. Brand USA webinar focus on reassuring that it’s safe to travel to the United States
  2. Tourism Destinations across the United States are reopening for tourism
  3. Americans are expecting to take more trips by airplane in the next six months compared to their intentions during the past year

The original discussion is on this podcast :

This is an unedited computer transcript of todays discussion and may have numerous mistakes, but should be able to give readers an overview. Go to the next page to read the transcript of today’s discussion

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • Brand USA webinar focus on reassuring that it’s safe to travel to the United StatesTourism Destinations across the United States are reopening for tourismAmericans are expecting to take more trips by airplane in the next six months compared to their intentions during the past year.
  • The original discussion is on this podcast .
  • This is an unedited computer transcript of todays discussion and may have numerous mistakes, but should be able to give readers an overview.


ليکڪ بابت

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz مسلسل سفر ۽ سياحت جي صنعت ۾ ڪم ڪيو آهي جڏهن کان هو جرمني ۾ هڪ نوجوان هو (1977).
هن قائم ڪيو eTurboNews 1999 ۾ عالمي سفري سياحت واري صنعت لاءِ پهريون آن لائن نيوز ليٽر.

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