Alitalia ايئر لائن: ڪاروبار لاء بند

بند ٿيل ڪاروبار | eTurboNews | eTN
Arrivederci Alialia
پاران لکيل Mario Masciullo - eTN اٽلي

Beginning from midnight, August 24, 2021, Alitalia airline will no longer sell tickets for flights taking place from October 15 on. The airline will send emails to its customers who have purchased flights from October 15, 2021, going forward.

  1. What are the options for these customers and what happens to their tickets that they already paid for?
  2. Customers will be given the option to replace their flight(s) with another equivalent managed by the Alitalia company by October 14, 2021.
  3. It will also be possible for customers to receive a full refund of their ticket(s).

After obtaining an operating license and an aircraft operator certificate from ENAC, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority on August 18, ITA airline (Italia Trasporto Aereo), formerly known as Alitalia, is prepared for official take-off. ITA will open ticket sales starting from August 26.

آئي ٽي اي | eTurboNews | eTN

Binding offer okayed for Alitalia flight assets

The ITA Board, which met under the chairmanship of Alfredo Altavilla, resolved to transform the non-binding offer already sent on August 16 to the Extraordinary Administration of Alitalia into binding. This offering includes 52 aircraft, a related number of slots, as well as contracts and ancillary assets from the Aviation branch to commence operations on October 15.

Who will be manning customer service?

The operator of the new ITA customer center will be Covisian which uses cloud technologies in collaboration with partners such as Salesforce and Amazon Web.

In addition, from August 26, the site for the collection of applications from people interested in working with ITA will become operational. This will be followed by a meeting with the trade unions to start negotiations on the new employment contract.

ITA to evaluate current employees for jobs

ITA will start its operations with 2,800 employees. It can be read in the communication sent by the company to the trade unions in view of the start of the confrontation. The workforce “initially necessary for the start-up of the activities” is “equal, according to the Business Plan, to 2,800 employees” explained ITA, who says it is “available” to compose the workforce” also evaluating any candidates for employment presented by current Alitalia Sai employees.”

The Business Plan provides that the company can “subsequently increase the initial staff” until “reaching the total maximum number of approximately 5,750 employees by 2025. Meanwhile, ITA announced that all employees will be requested to obtain the anti-COVID Green Pass.

Identification of strategic aircraft supplier

ITA reiterated its decision to make its fleet homogeneous over the course of the industrial plan and, to this end, to start the process of renewing the starting fleet as soon as possible, replacing it with a new generation of more efficient and environmental-friendly aircraft.

The decision on the composition of the future fleet will be taken and communicated by September. ITA is also launching a new loyalty program “at the forefront in the quality of services offered to the customer, potentially integrable with those of other industrial partners” given that European regulations prevent the new company from being able to compete for the acquisition of the Alitalia MilleMiglia program.

#بحالي سفر

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • ITA reiterated its decision to make its fleet homogeneous over the course of the industrial plan and, to this end, to start the process of renewing the starting fleet as soon as possible, replacing it with a new generation of more efficient and environmental-friendly aircraft.
  • It can be read in the communication sent by the company to the trade unions in view of the start of the confrontation.
  • ITA is also launching a new loyalty program “at the forefront in the quality of services offered to the customer, potentially integrable with those of other industrial partners”.


ليکڪ بابت

Mario Masciullo - eTN اٽلي

ماريو سفر جي صنعت ۾ هڪ ماهر آهي.
هن جو تجربو سڄي دنيا ۾ 1960 کان وڌي ٿو جڏهن 21 سالن جي عمر ۾ هن جاپان، هانگ ڪانگ ۽ ٿائيلينڊ کي ڳولڻ شروع ڪيو.
ماريو ڏٺو آهي دنيا جي سياحت کي تاريخ تائين ترقي ڪندي ۽ شاهدي ڏني وئي آهي
جديديت/ترقي جي حق ۾ ڪيترن ئي ملڪن جي ماضيءَ جي جڙ/ شاهدي جي تباهي.
گذريل 20 سالن دوران ماريو جي سفر جو تجربو ڏکڻ اوڀر ايشيا ۾ مرڪوز ٿيو آهي ۽ دير سان هندستاني ذيلي کنڊ شامل آهن.

ماريو جي ڪم جي تجربي جو حصو سول ايوي ايشن ۾ گھڻن سرگرميون شامل آھن
ملائيشيا سنگاپور ايئر لائنز لاءِ ڪيڪ آف منظم ڪرڻ کانپوءِ هڪ اداري جي طور تي اٽلي ۾ فيلڊ ختم ٿي وئي ۽ آڪٽوبر 16 ۾ ٻن حڪومتن جي ورهاڱي کان پوءِ سنگاپور ايئر لائنز لاءِ سيلز/مارڪيٽنگ مئنيجر اٽلي جي ڪردار ۾ 1972 سالن تائين جاري رهيو.

ماريو جو سرڪاري جرنلسٽ لائسنس "نيشنل آرڊر آف جرنلسٽس روم، اٽلي پاران 1977 ۾ آهي.

۾ شريڪ ٿيو
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