Seychelles Travel Restrictions from COVID-19 Gradually Lifted

Seychelles Travel Restrictions from COVID-19 Gradually Lifted
Seychelles Travel Restrictions

Seychelles has announced a gradual and cautious easing of travel restrictions, which will see the recommencement of travel to the Indian Ocean islands as from June 1, 2020. A series of Seychelles travel restrictions guidelines are in force during the month of June and will be reviewed periodically.

The Seychelles health authorities has announced that during the phase one of the re-opening of the Seychelles borders, only travelers from “low-risk” countries arriving through private jets and chartered passenger direct flights will be granted entry.

Travelers with interest to travel will need to apply through a designated application form which will be processed as per Public Health orders. Once approval is given, travelers can proceed with other arrangements, which will include taking a COVID-19 PCR test before boarding the flight.

A series of strict entry screening procedures are also in place for when the passenger disembarks in Seychelles. The Public Health Authority of Seychelles reserves the right to request that the passenger is turned back on the same flight or undergoes further rapid testing.

A US$50 health fee is applicable to cover the necessary screening for each passenger upon arrival.

1 جون ، 2020 تائين

  • Application for international flights carrying passengers to be made to Public Health Commissioner (PHC). A standard form (APPLICATION FOR ENTRY INTO SEYCHELLES BY AIR AND SEA) is available on DoH website is to be completed and submitted.
  • Applications will be processed on a case by case basis as per Public Health Order.

Types of flights to be allowed:

  • Private jets with passengers destined to authorized resort, yacht or residential facilities.
  • Chartered passenger flights with passengers from low risk countries published by the Department of Health.

Criteria for allowing entry into Seychelles

  • For the month of June, private flights carrying passengers who have been given approval will be permitted.
  • Chartered flights carrying passengers from approved countries may be permitted.
  • All passengers must have proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test that is 48 hours or less prior to boarding the flight to Seychelles.
  • Aircraft/Airline are not to board any passengers or crew who are symptomatic of COVID-19.
  • Any passenger who arrives in Seychelles without this proof will be turned back on the same aircraft.
  • Exit screening must have been completed by all incoming passengers and crew.
  • Entry screening will be done upon arrival starting with completion of the health check form, symptomatic check, temperature scanning. The passenger may be required to undergo a rapid antigen test.
  • All passengers must provide proof of accommodation in an approved establishment for the entire period of stay and must show booking vouchers at Immigration on entry.
  • During the month of June, they are not to change accommodation during their stay and must not interact with the community apart from those at their place of residence.
  • In order to minimize interaction between groups of clients arriving on different dates client groups should be segregated within the establishment.
  • For 14 days after arrival the client will be monitored daily by the designated Health and Safety officers or focal person.
  • All clients must ensure strict hygiene measures and physical distancing are enforced.
  • Any illness must be reported immediately to the nearest Health Facility who will provide appropriate guidance.
  • All cost of screening and test will be borne by the passenger.

It is very important that clients are properly informed of the measures in place.

A total 19 countries have been identified by the Public Health Authority as low risk (where the epidemic appears to be under control) and they will be able to travel to the archipelago as from June 1 during this easing of Seychelles travel restrictions.

  1. آسٽريليا
  2. آسٽريا
  3. botswana
  4. چين
  5. ڪوريٽيا
  6. گريسي
  7. هنگري
  8. اسرائيل
  9. جاپان
  10. ليڪسمبورگ
  11. موريشس
  12. موناڪو
  13. نيميبيا
  14. نيو زيلينڊ
  15. ناروي
  16. سلوواڪيا
  17. سلووينيا
  18. سئيٽرزلينڊ
  19. ٿائيليند

The Public Health Authority in the Seychelles will continue to monitor the situation in the following countries and entry could be considered with effect from mid-July 2020.

  1. البانيا
  2. بوسنيا ۽ هرزيگووينا
  3. بلغاريا
  4. ڪپرس
  5. ڊينمارڪ
  6. ايسٽونيا
  7. فنلينڊ
  8. فرانس
  9. جرمني
  10. آئرلينڊ
  11. اٽلي
  12. لاتويا
  13. لٿونيا
  14. مالٽا
  15. نيدرليند
  16. سربيا
  17. ڏکڻ ڪوريا

For more information about the series of guidelines, please visit the Seychelles Department of Tourism website:

سيچيلس بابت وڌيڪ خبرون.

#بحالي سفر

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • A total 19 countries have been identified by the Public Health Authority as low risk (where the epidemic appears to be under control) and they will be able to travel to the archipelago as from June 1 during this easing of Seychelles travel restrictions.
  • The Public Health Authority in the Seychelles will continue to monitor the situation in the following countries and entry could be considered with effect from mid-July 2020.
  • The Seychelles health authorities has announced that during the phase one of the re-opening of the Seychelles borders, only travelers from “low-risk” countries arriving through private jets and chartered passenger direct flights will be granted entry.

ليکڪ بابت

لنڊن هون هولز، اي ٽي اين ايڊيٽر

لنڊن هون هولز پنهنجي ڪم ڪندڙ ڪيريئر جي شروعات کان وٺي آرٽيڪل لکي ۽ ايڊٽ ڪري رهي آهي. هن هن فطري جذبي کي جڳهن تي لاڳو ڪيو آهي جهڙوڪ هوائي پئسفڪ يونيورسٽي، چامينيڊ يونيورسٽي، هوائي ٻارن جي دريافت سينٽر، ۽ هاڻي TravelNewsGroup.

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