ايئر نيوزيلينڊ پنهنجي بين الاقوامي صلاحيت کي 95 سيڪڙو گهٽائي ڇڏيو

ايئر نيوزيلينڊ پنهنجي بين الاقوامي صلاحيت کي 95 سيڪڙو گهٽائي ڇڏيو
ايئر نيوزيلينڊ پنهنجي بين الاقوامي صلاحيت کي 95 سيڪڙو گهٽائي ڇڏيو

Air New Zealand is adjusting its international network to match demand and government travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 پراڻو

ايئر نئون ايم will operate a limited international network from 30 March to 31 May 2020 to enable essential travel and to keep air freight moving through key cargo corridors to North America and Asia. Overall, international capacity will reduce by 95 percent from pre-COVID-19 levels.

Domestic services into Auckland will be scheduled to allow travelers to connect onto Tasman and Pacific routes.

The airline’s international schedule from 30 March to 31 May will be as follows. All services are subject to change as governments continue to introduce or change travel and border restrictions.


Tasman services (per week)


Auckland-Sydney Three return services
Auckland-Brisbane Two return services
Auckland-Melbourne Two return services


Pacific services (per week)


Auckland-Rarotonga One return service
Auckland-Fiji One return service
Auckland-Niue One return service
Sydney-Norfolk One return service
Brisbane-Norfolk One return service

 Samoa and Tonga are currently not permitting international flights. If these restrictions end, Air New Zealand is likely to operate one return service per week from Auckland.

Long-haul services (per week)

Auckland-Los Angeles Three return services
Auckland-Hong Kong Two return services
Auckland-Shanghai Return services on alternate days from 2 May

The airline is re-timing its Hong Kong service to a night operation ex Auckland and Hong Kong to maximise connection opportunities for cargo.

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • Air New Zealand will operate a limited international network from 30 March to 31 May 2020 to enable essential travel and to keep air freight moving through key cargo corridors to North America and Asia.
  • The airline is re-timing its Hong Kong service to a night operation ex Auckland and Hong Kong to maximise connection opportunities for cargo.
  • If these restrictions end, Air New Zealand is likely to operate one return service per week from Auckland.

ليکڪ بابت

چيف اسائنمينٽ ايڊيٽر

چيف اسائنمينٽ ايڊيٽر Oleg Siziakov آهي

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