US will enforce COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private businesses after New Year

US will enforce COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private businesses after New Year.
US will enforce COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private businesses after New Year.
پاران لکيل هيري جانسن

It is important to understand that there are still so many workers who are not protected and remain at risk from being seriously ill or dying from COVID-19.


  • The US will begin enforcing mandatory coronavirus vaccination for private-sector workers starting January 4.
  • Failure to comply with the vaccine mandate will incur heavy penalties for businesses, which will face an approximate fine of $14,000 per violation.
  • The fines will escalate with multiple violations, senior officials said.

هن اڇو هائوس announced today that US will begin enforcing President Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private-sector workers starting January 4, 2022.

Mandatory coronavirus vaccination for businesses will be enforced after the New Year, according to the White House press service. Those not vaccinated will have to be tested weekly.

“It is important to understand that there are still so many workers who are not protected and remain at risk from being seriously ill or dying from COVID-19,” the White House press service statement said.

Failure to comply with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate will incur heavy penalties for businesses, that will face an approximate fine of $14,000 per violation.

The fines will scale up with multiple violations, senior اڇو هائوس officials said. It was not immediately clear whether workers could get fired should they refuse vaccination or testing.

The requirement for federal contractors to be vaccinated was pushed back a month and will be enforced from the same date.

“By January 4, 2022, [healthcare] facilities must ensure that all staff have received the necessary shots to be fully vaccinated – either two doses of Pfizer, two doses of Moderna, or one dose of Johnson & Johnson,” the اڇو هائوس senior official said.

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • The requirement for federal contractors to be vaccinated was pushed back a month and will be enforced from the same date.
  • “It is important to understand that there are still so many workers who are not protected and remain at risk from being seriously ill or dying from COVID-19,” the White House press service statement said.
  • Failure to comply with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate will incur heavy penalties for businesses, that will face an approximate fine of $14,000 per violation.

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هيري جانسن

هيري جانسن لاءِ اسائنمينٽ ايڊيٽر رهيو آهي eTurboNews 20 سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصي تائين. هو هونولولو، هوائي ۾ رهي ٿو ۽ اصل ۾ يورپ مان آهي. کيس خبرون لکڻ ۽ ڇپائڻ جو شوق آهي.

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