Promoting adventure key for US and Canada border reopening

Promoting adventure key for US and Canada border reopening
Promoting adventure key for US and Canada border reopening
پاران لکيل هيري جانسن

Canada holds a wealth of tourism experiences covering its diverse natural and urban landscapes.


  • US tourists are known as some of the most active worldwide.
  • In 2020, concerns regarding physical fitness and health increased in the US.
  • Adventure tourism can be categorized as ‘soft’ or ‘hard’ experiences depending on the level of risk involved with each activity.

هن ڪينيڊا حڪومت has recently announced that its borders will reopen to US tourists from 9 August 2021. Canada’s borders have been closed since March 2020; therefore, this move marks a pivotal point in tourism recovery for the destination and one way for Canada to regain lost US expenditure in 2020 is by promoting adventure experiences.

The US is the primary source market for ڪينيڊا. Pre-pandemic, Canada received 15.1 million US tourists in 2019, which accounted for 68% of its total international arrivals. Last year saw arrivals from the US decline by 86.1% year-on-year (YoY), demonstrating the importance of the border reopening.

US tourists are known as some of the most active worldwide. Adventure/sport was the third most popular type of holiday for US respondents in a recent industry survey.  This demonstrates that this type of trip was already popular amongst US tourists prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2020, concerns regarding physical fitness and health increased in the US. The latest survey found that 55% of US respondents were ‘extremely’ or ‘quite’ concerned regarding personal health. Due to the nature of the spread of COVID-19 amongst inactive individuals, this likely increased concerns relating to overall health, encouraging US consumers to be more active.

Adventure tourism can be categorized as ‘soft’ or ‘hard’ experiences depending on the level of risk involved with each activity. Soft activities can involve experiences such as walking, bird watching and fishing. On the other hand, hard activities can include skiing, white water rafting and bungee jumping. The older the target market, the less risk-based activity they will usually desire. Therefore, this demonstrates that adventure tourism can appeal to all age groups.

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • Therefore, this move marks a pivotal point in tourism recovery for the destination and one way for Canada to regain lost US expenditure in 2020 is by promoting adventure experiences.
  • Due to the nature of the spread of COVID-19 amongst inactive individuals, this likely increased concerns relating to overall health, encouraging US consumers to be more active.
  • Adventure tourism can be categorized as ‘soft' or ‘hard' experiences depending on the level of risk involved with each activity.

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هيري جانسن

هيري جانسن لاءِ اسائنمينٽ ايڊيٽر رهيو آهي eTurboNews 20 سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصي تائين. هو هونولولو، هوائي ۾ رهي ٿو ۽ اصل ۾ يورپ مان آهي. کيس خبرون لکڻ ۽ ڇپائڻ جو شوق آهي.

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