ويڪسين جي بشارت: ريو جي ڪرسٽ دي ريڊيمر ويڪسين سيوز جي نشاني سان روشن ٿي وئي

ويڪسين جي بشارت: ريو جي ڪرسٽ دي ريڊيمر ويڪسين سيوز جي نشاني سان روشن ٿي وئي
Vaccine evangelism: Rio's Christ the Redeemer lit up with Vaccine Saves sign
پاران لکيل هيري جانسن

Christ the Redeemer statue emblazoned with the slogans ‘Vaccine Saves’ and ‘United for Vaccines’ signs.


  • The display was organized by the Cristo Redactor Sanctuary and the Ogilvy Brazil advertising agency
  • Some believers did not appreciate the message, condemning it as blasphemous
  • Brazil has been one of the countries hit hardest by the virus, with over 436,000 deaths

In a bid to encourage people to get vaccinated against COVID-19, world-famous Brazilian tourist attraction which depicts Jesus Christ, arms outstretched, on the hillside of Rio, was emblazoned with the slogans “vaccine saves” and “united for vaccines.” 

Rio de Janeiro’s Christ the Redeemer statue has been lit up to project a message of vaccine evangelism, encouraging individuals from miles around to drop to their knees and worship another savior.

The display was organized by the Cristo Redactor Sanctuary and the Ogilvy Brazil advertising agency.

Some believers, however, did not appreciate the message, condemning it as blasphemous.

برازيل has been one of the countries hit hardest by the virus, with over 436,000 deaths – taking the number-two spot worldwide after the United States. President Jair Bolsonaro’s government has been heavily criticized for its handling of the pandemic – from downplaying the health crisis to failing to secure the needed amount of vaccines in a timely manner.

The president has defended his policies nonetheless, claiming they helped to keep the country’s economy afloat. Last week, he announced that more than $1 billion would be spent on vaccine production and distribution.

Currently, around 33 million people, or some 15% of Brazil’s population of 211 million, have received at least one vaccine dose.

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • The display was organized by the Cristo Redactor Sanctuary and the Ogilvy Brazil advertising agencySome believers did not appreciate the message, condemning it as blasphemousBrazil has been one of the countries hit hardest by the virus, with over 436,000 deaths.
  • Rio de Janeiro’s Christ the Redeemer statue has been lit up to project a message of vaccine evangelism, encouraging individuals from miles around to drop to their knees and worship another savior.
  • In a bid to encourage people to get vaccinated against COVID-19, world-famous Brazilian tourist attraction which depicts Jesus Christ, arms outstretched, on the hillside of Rio, was emblazoned with the slogans “vaccine saves” and “united for vaccines.

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هيري جانسن

هيري جانسن لاءِ اسائنمينٽ ايڊيٽر رهيو آهي eTurboNews 20 سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصي تائين. هو هونولولو، هوائي ۾ رهي ٿو ۽ اصل ۾ يورپ مان آهي. کيس خبرون لکڻ ۽ ڇپائڻ جو شوق آهي.

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