Ottawa Tourism launches Virtually Ottawa

Ottawa Tourism launches Virtually Ottawa
Ottawa Tourism launches Virtually Ottawa
پاران لکيل هيري جانسن

Meeting planners from around the world have access to virtual tools to aid the planning of future events in Ottawa


  • Virtually Ottawa aims to inspire conference planners to consider Ottawa, Canada’s capital, for their next meeting
  • Viewers are virtually welcomed to the Shaw Center
  • Virtual Ottawa is helping to set the scene for a robust recovery of Ottawa’s hard-hit tourism sector

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • Virtually Ottawa aims to inspire conference planners to consider Ottawa, Canada's capital, for their next meetingViewers are virtually welcomed to the Shaw CenterVirtual Ottawa is helping to set the scene for a robust recovery of Ottawa's hard-hit tourism sector.

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هيري جانسن

هيري جانسن لاءِ اسائنمينٽ ايڊيٽر رهيو آهي eTurboNews 20 سالن کان وڌيڪ عرصي تائين. هو هونولولو، هوائي ۾ رهي ٿو ۽ اصل ۾ يورپ مان آهي. کيس خبرون لکڻ ۽ ڇپائڻ جو شوق آهي.

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