روانڊا ايبولا جي خطري سبب سرحد بند ڪري ٿي

پاران لکيل Juergen T Steinmetz

Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo remains a real threat. Rwanda is now reacting and today closed the border to its neighbor after at least two people died  on the deadly virus after crossing the border.

The outbreak is the most complicated ever as it is happening in an active conflict zone.

In a statement, the Congolese presidency said there had been a “unilateral decision by the Rwandan authorities” to close the crossing at Goma.

The WHO has previously warned against trying to contain the virus by restricting travel or trade.

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • Rwanda is now reacting and today closed the border to its neighbor after at least two people died  on the deadly virus after crossing the border.
  • In a statement, the Congolese presidency said there had been a “unilateral decision by the Rwandan authorities”.
  • The outbreak is the most complicated ever as it is happening in an active conflict zone.

ليکڪ بابت

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz مسلسل سفر ۽ سياحت جي صنعت ۾ ڪم ڪيو آهي جڏهن کان هو جرمني ۾ هڪ نوجوان هو (1977).
هن قائم ڪيو eTurboNews 1999 ۾ عالمي سفري سياحت واري صنعت لاءِ پهريون آن لائن نيوز ليٽر.

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