Anguilla نالو 2018 عيش منزل جو سال

پاران لکيل ليندا هون هولز

Anguilla is on a  winning streak, receiving accolades from travel professionals and ardent consumer fans alike. The latest is the 2018 Luxury Destination of the Year Award, presented by Classic Vacations, the #1 rated luxury vacation wholesaler for Travel Advisors.

The announcement was made at the CHTA Caribbean Travel Marketplace, the region’s leading buyer-seller meet taking place in Montego Bay from January 29 – 31, 2019.

“We are thrilled to receive this prestigious Award, especially in light of the challenges we faced and the remarkable comeback we staged,” stated the Hon. Cardigan Connor, Parliamentary Secretary in Anguilla’s Ministry of Tourism.  “It is a tribute to the hard work and dedication of every stakeholder in our industry, and the pride we take in preserving the excellence of our tourism product,” he concluded.

Classic Vacations delivers world-class accommodations, exceptional privileges, and unparalleled service to travel advisors, ensuring the best possible vacation experiences for their clients.

Tucked away in the northern Caribbean, Anguilla is a shy beauty with a warm smile. A slender length of coral and limestone fringed with green, the island is ringed with 33 beaches, considered by savvy travelers and top travel magazines, to be the most beautiful in the world.

Anguilla صرف کٽيل رستي کان پري آهي، تنهنڪري اهو هڪ دلگير ڪردار ۽ اپيل کي برقرار رکيو آهي. اڃان تائين ڇاڪاڻ ته اهو آساني سان ٻن وڏن گيٽ ويز کان پهچي سگهجي ٿو: پورٽو ريڪو ۽ سينٽ مارٽن، ۽ نجي هوائي ذريعي، اهو هڪ هاپ ۽ هڪ اسڪپ پري آهي.

رومانس؟ ننگي پير خوبصورتي؟ اڻ وڻندڙ ​​شيڪ؟ ۽ بيحد خوشي؟ Anguilla آهي غير معمولي کان ٻاهر.

For information on Anguilla, please visit the official website of the Anguilla Tourist Board:; Facebook تي اسان جي تابعداري ڪريو:؛ انسٽاگرام: @Anguilla_Tourism؛ Twitter:Anguilla_Trsm، Hashtag: #MyAnguilla.

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  •   “It is a tribute to the hard work and dedication of every stakeholder in our industry, and the pride we take in preserving the excellence of our tourism product,” he concluded.
  • مرجان ۽ چونا پٿر جي هڪ ٿلهي ڊيگهه سائي سان ڀريل آهي، هي ٻيٽ 33 ساحلن سان ڀريل آهي، جنهن کي سياح سياحن ۽ اعليٰ سفري رسالن پاران دنيا ۾ سڀ کان خوبصورت سمجهيو وڃي ٿو.
  • اتر ڪيريبين ۾ پري، Anguilla هڪ گرم مسڪراهٽ سان هڪ شرميل خوبصورتي آهي.

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