خواب مالٽي کاڌي هاڻي، دعوت بعد ۾

خواب مالٽي کاڌي هاڻي، دعوت بعد ۾
Malta Cuisine - L to R – Birgu, Valletta, Pastizzi - Photos © Malta Tourism Authority

Located in the heart of the Mediterranean, Malta is establishing itself as a gastronomic destination that serves up a wide range of dishes influenced by the many civilizations that made the Maltese archipelago their home. In a bid to embrace the long-standing and diverse culinary history of these Islands, the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) has been championing local, sustainable gastronomy that tips its hat to traditional methods within the context of a modern and buzzing restaurant scene.

This year marked a new milestone for Malta with the announcement of the first Malta Michelin Guide, awarding the first Michelin stars on the Maltese islands. The new Michelin Guide highlights the outstanding restaurants, breadth of cuisine styles and culinary skills found in Malta, Gozo, and Comino. The winners of the first stars to be awarded in Malta are:

In addition to the Michelin starred restaurants, Malta of course also offers travelers a diverse culinary experience, from the traditional plate of eclectic Mediterranean food curated by a relationship between the Maltese and the countless civilizations that occupied the island, to the never-ending vineyards delivering the finest wine. The Maltese Islands rely on their abundance of assorted produce, from the mountains, the ocean, and the farms to bring the farm to table concept to life.

Traditional Maltese Cuisine is based around the seasons where eateries that offer the local fare, also serve their own unique versions of specialties. Maltese food is influenced by the islands’ close proximity to Sicily and North Africa but adds a Mediterranean flair of its own. Some popular local fare consists of Lampuki Pie (fish pie), Rabbit Stew, Bragoli, Kapunata, (Maltese version of ratatouille), and also Bigilla, a thick pate of broad beans with garlic served with Maltese bread and olive oil.

روايتي مالٽي کاڌي موسمن جي چوڌاري مبني آهي جتي کاڌي جون شيون جيڪي مقامي ڀاڙي پيش ڪن ٿيون، انهن جي پنهنجي منفرد ورزن جي خاصيتن جي پڻ خدمت ڪن ٿا. مالٽيز کاڌو سسلي ۽ اتر آفريڪا جي جزائر جي ويجھو کان متاثر ٿئي ٿو پر ان جو پنهنجو ميڊيٽرينين فليئر شامل ڪري ٿو. ڪجهه مشهور مقامي ڀاڙي تي مشتمل آهي لامپوڪي پائي (مڇي پائي)، خرگوش اسٽيو، برگولي, ڪپونتا، (Ratatouille جو مالٽي نسخو)، ۽ پڻ بگيلا, a thick pate of broad beans with garlic served with Maltese bread and olive oil.

مارسڪسلوڪڪ fish market is where locals go to get their catch of the day. Fresh fish from the Mediterranean Sea, plainly cooked is a consistent feature of Maltese cuisine. When fish is in abundance, Aljotta, a bowl of fish soup is a traditional dish. Depending on the season, spnotta, dott, cerna ۽ تريل are notable catches. Around early to late autumn, the famed lampuka, or dolphin fish will be in season. Other seafood including Octopus and squid are often used to make rich stews and pasta sauces.

Pastizzi – the Iconic Maltese Street Food

Not to be missed, eating Pastizzi fresh from the oven. One of Malta’s iconic street foods, Pastizzi is a flaky diamond-shaped pastry filled with ricotta and alternatively can be stuffed with mushy peas, spinach, tuna, or rabbit. Selling for less than €1, this delicacy can be found in every village across the island. A local bar, right outside of Mdina called Crystal Palace is said to be home to the best pastizzi Malta has to offer. They are baked on location guaranteed to always be fresh and hot.

مالٽيز انعام کٽيندڙ شراب

ٻيٽ تي پيدا ٿيندڙ شراب کان علاوه مقامي مالٽي وينجن سان گڏ ٻيو ڪجهه به بهتر ناهي. مالٽيز ونٽيجز بين الاقوامي مقابلن ۾ پنهنجو پاڻ کي گڏ ڪرڻ کان وڌيڪ آهن، فرانس، اٽلي ۽ اڳتي وڌڻ ۾ ڪيترائي اعزاز کٽي. ٻيٽ تي موسمي، جاگرافيائي ۽ مٽي جون حالتون شراب جي پيداوار لاءِ مثالي حالتون مهيا ڪن ٿيون جن ۾ شاندار رنگ، صاف خوشبو، ۽ جاندار تيزابيت آهي. ميريڊيانا جي شراب خانا صرف مالٽيز پوکيل انگور استعمال ڪندي ڪجھ بهترين مالٽي شراب پيدا ڪري ٿو. ڪجھ سڀ کان وڌيڪ مشهور شراب شامل آهن ڪيبرنيٽ سووگنن، ميرلوٽ، سيرا، سووگنن بلانڪ، چارڊونني، ورمينينو، ۽ ماسڪو. ڪيتريون ئي مقامي وائنري سياحن کي شراب چکڻ واري سياحن جي آڇ ڪندا آهن.

Maltese Annual Olive Picking Festival

Olive groves are an important aspect of Malta’s food scene. Malta celebrates the start of the olive picking season with a festival called Żejt iż-Żejtun in September. The festival is centered around the blessing of olives carted or carried by local farmers, followed by pressing and free tasting of Maltese ftajjar dressed in freshly pressed olive oil. Olive oil is vital in many traditional Maltese dishes.

مالٽا جا سجيل جزائر، ميڊيٽرينين سمنڊ جي وچ ۾، محفوظ تعمير ٿيل ورثي جي سڀ کان وڌيڪ قابل ذڪر ڪنسنٽريشن جو گھر آهن، جنهن ۾ يونيسڪو جي عالمي ورثي واري سائيٽن جي سڀ کان وڌيڪ کثافت ڪنهن به ملڪ ۾ ڪٿي به آهي. سينٽ جان جي فخر وارن شورن پاران ٺاهيل والٽا 2018 لاءِ يونيسڪو جي ماڳن مان هڪ آهي ۽ ثقافت جي يورپي گاديءَ جو هنڌ آهي. پٿر جي حدن ۾ مالٽا جي سرپرستي دنيا جي سڀ کان پراڻي آزاد اسٽينڊنگ پٿر جي فن تعمير کان وٺي، برطانوي سلطنت جي سڀ کان وڌيڪ مضبوط عمارتن مان هڪ آهي. دفاعي نظام، ۽ قديم، قرون وسطي ۽ شروعاتي جديد دورن کان گهريلو، مذهبي ۽ فوجي فن تعمير جو هڪ ڀرپور ميلاپ شامل آهي. شاندار ٿڌڙي موسم، پرڪشش ساحل، هڪ شاندار رات جي زندگي، ۽ 7,000 سالن جي دلچسپ تاريخ سان، ڏسڻ ۽ ڪرڻ لاء هڪ وڏو معاملو آهي. مالٽا تي وڌيڪ معلومات لاء، دورو ڪريو www.visitmalta.com

مالٽا بابت وڌيڪ خبرون.

#بحالي سفر

هن آرٽيڪل مان ڇا وٺو:

  • In addition to the Michelin starred restaurants, Malta of course also offers travelers a diverse culinary experience, from the traditional plate of eclectic Mediterranean food curated by a relationship between the Maltese and the countless civilizations that occupied the island, to the never-ending vineyards delivering the finest wine.
  • In a bid to embrace the long-standing and diverse culinary history of these Islands, the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) has been championing local, sustainable gastronomy that tips its hat to traditional methods within the context of a modern and buzzing restaurant scene.
  • Located in the heart of the Mediterranean, Malta is establishing itself as a gastronomic destination that serves up a wide range of dishes influenced by the many civilizations that made the Maltese archipelago their home.


ليکڪ بابت

لنڊن هون هولز، اي ٽي اين ايڊيٽر

لنڊن هون هولز پنهنجي ڪم ڪندڙ ڪيريئر جي شروعات کان وٺي آرٽيڪل لکي ۽ ايڊٽ ڪري رهي آهي. هن هن فطري جذبي کي جڳهن تي لاڳو ڪيو آهي جهڙوڪ هوائي پئسفڪ يونيورسٽي، چامينيڊ يونيورسٽي، هوائي ٻارن جي دريافت سينٽر، ۽ هاڻي TravelNewsGroup.

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